Mental health statement of rights and responsibilities

Part II: Non-discrimination and social inclusion

Page last updated: 2012

  1. Non-discrimination and social inclusion are fundamental to the mental health of the whole community. There is a recognised correlation between severe mental illness, low socio-economic status and social exclusion.

  2. Mental health consumers have the right to social inclusion and participation in social life on an equal basis with others without discrimination of any kind.

  3. Mental health consumers have the right to:
    1. respect for their individual human dignity and worth at all ages and stages of life
    2. respect for their privacy and confidentiality
    3. respect for their health, safety and welfare
    4. equal enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health
    5. equal recognition before the law and the equal protection of the law
    6. an adequate standard of living and social protection
    7. equal opportunities to access and maintain
      • health and mental health care
      • housing
      • education and training
      • work and employment
      • legal services
      • income maintenance
      • insurance
    8. respect for their family life
    9. have their sexual orientation, gender and gender identity taken into consideration when receiving social support, health and mental health services
    10. have their social, economic, cultural background and family circumstances taken into consideration when receiving social support, health and mental health services
    11. contribute to and participate in the development of social, health and mental health policy and services.