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Table of Contents - Volume 23, Issue 10 - 10 June 1999
Complete issue - 10 June 1999 - PDF file 240KB
- Immunisation coverage in Australia children: a systematic review 1990-1998
(Susan Lister, Peter B McIntyre, Margaret A Burgess, Eddie D O'Brien)
- Also available as a - PDF file 155KB
- Cryptosporidium in water
(Robert Douglas and Martha Sinclair)
- Also available as a - PDF file 30KB
- Typhoid fever - urgent health alert
- Also available as a - PDF file 35KB
- Communicable Diseases Surveillance
- Highlights (measles, leptospirosis)
- Also available as a - PDF file 35KB
- Tables (NNDSS, LabVISE, ASPREN, historical data graph)
- Also available as a - PDF file 40KB
- Highlights (measles, leptospirosis)
- Overseas briefs
- Also available as a - PDF file 13KB
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