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Table of Contents - Volume 24, Number 2 - 17 February 2000
Complete issue - 17 February 2000 - PDF file 162KB
- Operation Safe Haven: an evaluation of health surveillance and monitoring in an acute setting
(Catherine Bennett, Jacki Mein, Mary Beers, Bronwen Harvey, Subramanyam Vemulpad, Kerry Chant, Craig Dalton)
- Also available as a - PDF file 64KB
- Adverse Events Following Immunisation associated with the 1998 Australian Measles Control Campaign
(Rennie D'Souza, Sue Campbell-Lloyd, David Isaacs, Michael Gold, Margaret Burgess, Fiona Turnbull, Eddie O'Brien)
- Also available as a - PDF file 52KB
- Enhancement of the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System data collection
- Also available as a - PDF file 17KB
- Communicable Diseases Surveillance
- Highlights (Vaccine preventable diseases, pertussis, Ross River virus, dengue, HUS, hepatitis A)
- Also available as a - PDF file 20KB
- Tables (NNDSS, LabVISE, ASPREN, historical data graph)
- Also available as a - PDF file 37KB
- Highlights (Vaccine preventable diseases, pertussis, Ross River virus, dengue, HUS, hepatitis A)
- Overseas briefs
- Also available as a - PDF file 20KB
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