Communicable Diseases Intelligence Volume 36 No 3 - September 2012

This issue contains annual reports on foodborne disease in Australia, meningococcal surveillance, trachoma surveillance in Australia and the Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit, plus articles on a review of strategies to enhance influenza vaccination for health care workers, measles with a possible long incubation period and a Salmonella outbreak related to eggs, as well as the strategic plan for control of tuberculosis in Australia and the regular quarterly data reports.

Page last updated: 06 November 2012

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Communicable Diseases Intelligence Volume 36 Number 3 - September 2012 - PDF 1041 KB

Individual articles are available as HTML or PDF from the links below.

Annual reports

Notice to readers

Peer-reviewed articles

Policy and guidelines

Quarterly reports


Editor: Margaret Curran
Deputy Editor: Katrina Knope
Associate Editor: Anthony Carpenter
Editorial and Production Staff: Alison Milton, Jennie Hood, Leroy Trapani

ISSN 1445-4866 Online


Opinions expressed in Communicable Diseases Intelligence are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing or the Communicable Diseases Network Australia. Data may be subject to revision.