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Communicable Diseases Intelligence Volume 36 Number 3 - September 2012 - PDF 1041 KB
Individual articles are available as HTML or PDF from the links below.
Annual reports
- Monitoring the incidence and causes of diseases potentially transmitted by food in Australia: Annual report of the OzFoodNet network, 2010
(The OzFoodNet Working Group)
Monitoring the incidence and causes of diseases potentially transmitted by food in Australia: Annual report of the OzFoodNet network, 2010 - PDF 206 KB
- Australian trachoma surveillance annual report, 2010
(Carleigh S Cowling, Gordana Popovic, Bette C Liu, James S Ward, Tom L Snelling, John M Kaldor, David P Wilson)
Australian trachoma surveillance annual report, 2010 - PDF 445 KB
- Annual report of the Australian Meningococcal Surveillance Programme, 2011
(Monica M Lahra, Rodney P Enriquez)
Annual report of the Australian Meningococcal Surveillance Programme, 2011 - PDF 128 KB
- Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit annual report, 2011
(Marie Deverell, Yvonne Zurynski, Elizabeth Elliott, on behalf of all chief investigators of APSU surveillance studies)
Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit annual report, 2011 - PDF 151 KB
Notice to readers
- Composition of Australian Influenza Vaccine for the 2013 season
Composition of Australian Influenza Vaccine for the 2013 season - PDF 56 KB
Peer-reviewed articles
- Review of strategies to enhance the uptake of seasonal influenza vaccination by Australian healthcare workers
(Michael J Stuart)
Review of strategies to enhance the uptake of seasonal influenza vaccination by Australian healthcare workers - PDF 101 KB
- Measles with a possible 23 day incubation period
(Tove L Fitzgerald, David N Durrheim, Tony D Merritt, Christopher Birch, Thomas Tran)
Measles with a possible 23 day incubation period - PDF 109 KB
- An outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium phage type 135a gastroenteritis linked to eggs served at an Australian Capital Territory café
(Cameron RM Moffatt, Ranil Appuhamy, Andrew Kaye, Adrienne Carswell, Deborah Denehy)
An outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium phage type 135a gastroenteritis linked to eggs served at an Australian Capital Territory café - PDF 103 KB
Policy and guidelines
- The strategic plan for control of tuberculosis in Australia: 2011–2015
The strategic plan for control of tuberculosis in Australia: 2011–2015 - PDF 109 KB
Quarterly reports
- OzFoodNet quarterly report, 1 October to 31 December 2011
(The OzFoodNet Working Group)
OzFoodNet quarterly report, 1 October to 31 December 2011 - PDF 102 KB
- Communicable Diseases Surveillance
- Communicable Diseases Control conference 2013
Communicable Diseases Control conference 2013 - PDF 52 KB
Editor: Margaret Curran
Deputy Editor: Katrina Knope
Associate Editor: Anthony Carpenter
Editorial and Production Staff: Alison Milton, Jennie Hood, Leroy Trapani
ISSN 1445-4866 Online
Opinions expressed in Communicable Diseases Intelligence are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing or the Communicable Diseases Network Australia. Data may be subject to revision.
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Communicable Diseases Surveillance